Instagram Mutual Followers

Quickly find overlapping audiences for two or more Instagram accounts

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How to find Instagram Mutual Followers

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Instagram Mutual Followers

Why you may need to check Instagram for mutual followers

The intersection of audiences on Instagram is needed so that you can compare 2 or more audiences for duplicate users. Overlapping audiences allows you to take two or more audiences and compare them with each other for overlaps. For example, you want to compare two audiences and understand how many users from target audience A are in audience B. Analysis of intersections helps to reach the maximum audience from different influencers. Secondly, to reduce the cost of promotion - often bloggers who are friends come across in the campaign, they pumped each other's accounts, so their audience overlaps up to 50%. So it's ineffective to work with them. Audience overlap is a problem that advertisers often face when they want to order ads from influencers. Audience intersection is useful to know in two cases: when you are looking for bloggers to advertise, or when you are evaluating its effectiveness.

In this article, we will talk in more detail about this metric, as well as how the intersection of the audience affects the final result of promotion. Audience overlay (overlap) is a situation where several campaigns or groups compete with each other for one user, since they are aimed at the same interests. As a result, the expense increases, and the efficiency decreases: if the user has already clicked on one ad, then the likelihood of his reaction to another is much lower - this increases the number of ineffective impressions. To determine the target audience, the blog owner can use the pages of those users who have already subscribed. You need to go to them and see which profiles the subscribers were also interested in.

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