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We still found those dark times when there were practically no statistics on Instagram. After the merger with Facebook, the situation has improved somewhat. However, there is still not enough data to build a holistic picture and develop a promotion strategy. It's good that external Instagram analytics services exist. Instagram is popular - and therefore there are many services that collect and analyze data on the number of subscribers, interactions with content, audience interests and more. There are free and paid ones, with different functionality and design. So which Instagram analytics app should you use?
Analysis of the audience and publications, remote posting, search for bots and other useful options that are so lacking in Instagram. Detailed analysis of Instagram subscribers (gender, age, geo, activity, availability). Uploading subscriber categories to an Excel spreadsheet with a link to a profile, a header, phone numbers and e-mails (if specified). 24/7 activity monitoring (engagement, TOP posts, dynamics of subscribers and subscriptions movement, dependence of subscribers movement and engagement, etc.). Protection against direct spam, negative comments and spam marks. Removing bots and junk subscribers (fine-tuning and machine tuning).
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