Instagram Web Viewer

View Instagram accounts, publications, posts and stories without using a separate application

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How to Use Instagram Viewer

Step 1

Select one of the applications by clicking on the buttons above the editor window. You can try all available apps.

Step 2

If you do not like the application, then just click on another button and another application will load.

Step 3

Done! Now your Instagram account will become even cooler and more popular. Don't forget to save our site.

Instagram Web Viewer

Why you may need to view Instagram in browser

Everyone, probably, at least once in their life, had a need to use instagram from a computer - it doesn't matter whether for work purposes or for lazy scrolling of the feed between tasks. The mobile application has the maximum range of possibilities. However, it would still be more convenient to perform some tasks from a computer, for example, in the web version of Instagram, upload images directly without sending them to the phone beforehand. The web version of Instagram is suitable for those who do not use a mobile phone or want to access a social network using a personal computer. After entering his page, the user can view the news feed, comment on the photos and videos he likes, and adjust the settings of his profile.

You don't need to install the app on your mobile device or set up an Android emulator to use Instagram. The service can be opened directly from the browser window. There are two ways to access Instagram online from a computer: through a regular website page or its mobile version. There are significant differences between these two options. The first is much easier to execute when compared with the second. But in this case, the functionality of the service will be very limited. Instagram Web was created for those who do not use a mobile device or simply want to be able to view what's new on a social network from a computer. You can view the feed on the site or download the web version of Instagram.

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